Street Lights

Who do I call to report a burnt out or not functioning correctly street light?
That depends on where the street light is located.
Historic Olivehurst is within the purview of the Olivehurst Public Utility District you have a few options;
- you could contact OPUD Public Works Department at 530-743-8132 with the pole number, location, and type of problem, or
- send an email to us at with the pole number, location, and type of problem, or
- you could contact P G & E directly at (800)743-5000 or fill out a Street Light Trouble Report on line at: PG&E Street Light Trouble Report.
If the pole is located outside of Historic Olivehurst in Plumas Lake, Wheeler Ranch, Mapleton, Draper Ranch, Thoroughbred Acres, Riverglen, Featherglen or Summerfield these are under the purview of Yuba County. You would contact Yuba County at (530) 749-5420 with pole number and location, or visit their website at Yuba County Public Works / Street Lights.
The safety of our community is always our utmost concern, so don't hesitate to report any outage.
Dedicated to improving our customer's quality of life through the services we provide.